How to Heal a Sunburn ?
10 August – 31 August 2024
Group Show
J. Colombier, L. Compagnoni, C. Doumé, A. Hayes, Y. Jing Jing, V. Knipping, K. Merouchi, L. Myers, X. de Vilmorin, C. Vitaioli, P. Zenk.
Galerie Ars Longa
The summer season is in full swing. The Galerie Ars Longa is gathering its community of artists under the sign of the sun. A sun that can be gentle and nostalgic, or more abrasive and almost fantastic. It reveals, caresses, wears away, and reminds us of our own human condition by offering us a different relationship to time: slowing down and contemplating.
The How to heal a sunburn? exhibition was conceived as an ode to summer and its moments. How do you heal a sunburn, a loveburn or an “I love you?” How can we not miss the swims, the lunches on spotted tablecloths, the wild evenings or even the lonely afternoons? The selection of works in the exhibition offers a time suspended in humour, melancholy and reverie, encouraging us to stop for a moment and let them take hold of us.